neděle 19. srpna 2012

Stay Strong

When we got the news
once again you can't choose
you speak of a nightmare coming back
don't give up go on attack

Stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
so close by your side
hold up your chin
you can win

We all might not know you
but we want you to know
how much we care
how much we love

So stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
right by your side
hold up your chin
you will win

From all around
we come and try
to give you strength
just because we believe in you

So stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
right by your side
hold up your chin
you're going to win

By Sophie Roxane Ganzmann

La vida es un carnaval

"Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que al mal tiempo buena cara, y todo pasa.

Ay, no ha que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval,
es mas bello vivir cantando."

This is a song I put on an mp3 player for my mum when she went to the hospital, to fight with cancer for the second time. For some reason I suppose you understand Spanish and I really like the lyrics to this song which is overall very positive. I'm sending it to you now together with all the positive energy and strength I got. Love, Katka from the Czech Republic