pondělí 19. listopadu 2012

Give'em all the big Fuck You

Pray for you every day

Dear Kristian,

I haven’t read what you have just written and I’m not gonna, sorry. I can’t.
I’ve written a long message for you and then I realized you don’t really need to read all of that. The only important thing I should tell you is I wish so much for you to be strong. Be strong although it doesn’t seem to make sense for you. Be strong for those who love you if not for yourself.
So many people think of you, pray for you every day, check your blog to see how you’re doing, worry about you a lot. 

Sending lots of love and strength, 


pondělí 15. října 2012

Mirakel sker

“Science and medicine deal with percentages and probabilities. More than 90 percent of children with a grade II astrocytoma will die within 12 to 18 months after being diagnosed. "But this kid, it didn't happen that way. That's what's a miracle,””

“Ma's cancer is terminal. When he first diagnosed, doctors predicted that he only had a few months to live. Yet he has survived for nearly seven years.”

Kampa pa fina, fina du. Massor av manniskor, som jag, tanker pa dig och ditt tillfrisknande varenda dag. Stor kram.


úterý 9. října 2012

úterý 2. října 2012

No surrender

"Well, we made a promise we swore we'd always remember
No retreat, baby, no surrender"

"No surrender" crossed my mind while thinking of you and your las blog post. I found this song and  liked the lyrics. Enjoy and be you, be yourself, keep on walking.

Hanna from Germany

sobota 22. září 2012

Lot of love

I´m sending to you and your family lot of love, strength and hope. Thinking of you all. Wish there was something I could do. If there is any connection between people by thoughts I hope my power will get to you and will help you in every possible way. 

With love, M.

čtvrtek 20. září 2012

The soldier’s sword

Moon, stay with me a little longer
Let me come close to you
Illuminate me with your gentle glow
Moon: how long has it been
That you light up the world from north to south,
That you give your light to blacks and whites?
Moon: you are so high in the sky,
Above the jujube and the tamarind trees,
Above the soldier’s sword and the priest’s holy water sprinkler!
New moon as young as Ricardina
Rounder than the sumptuous Putchutcha,
More generous that Sheila’s breast!
Full moon, shine on me,
Moon, your full light is in the heavens

úterý 18. září 2012

Personal fight

Hello Kristian, 

Like a lot of people from all around the world, I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently.
Everybody has their personal fights and you got yours. No matter what everybody else has experienced, we can’t imagine what you are going through.  You’ve got your own fight and your own way of dealing with it.
The difference is you don’t know us but we know you.  You don’t know our personal fights but we know yours. What’s more, you let us know what’s on your mind in your blog. It means a lot to a lot of us. Your strength and your spirit help to create images in our heads. Images of what kind of person you are. Of what our relatives who don’t share their feelings and who are fighting the same enemy are thinking. Of the truth hidden behind your words.  

There’s much more behind your words than we can imagine.
And I feel I need you to survive.
A rather selfish wish. 

Thinking of you a lot, Olga

neděle 16. září 2012

Far away

Dearest Kristian, 

If I could then I would grab you and take you far away from all of this, if we ran far enough, no cancer could catch us. Never. But I can't do that. So instead, I'm sending to you, your family and friends all my love and power I have. 

With all my love, Anna

sobota 15. září 2012

A hug

Once you said that nothing is as healing as human touch. I hope you have many people around you who give you hugs when you need them or at least one special person who heals you with touch all the time. I'm sending you one hug even though I am far far away from you. Hope it will get to you and will help a little bit.

Lila from Norway

pátek 14. září 2012

Och vi får aldrig tappa hoppet

Vi som vet vem han är och som läst hans ord och som känner empati vi kan
inte låta detta hända. På något sätt är det förbjudet, inte accepterat.
Det måste komma en vändning. Det finns ju mirakel. Kan sådana ske nu?
Vart skulle vi vända oss om inte hoppet fanns? om än så litet...
Vi vet att det kanske blir svårt och tungt och att vi kommer bli ledsna
mer än vi är nu...men vi får aldrig tappa hoppet.

Kan alla våra tankar och all vår styrka all vår kärlek och livstro kunna
hjälpa honom? Kanske inte rädda honom, men vara där hos honom -
vi är ändå alla bara människor – sjuka eller friska – och någonstans inom
oss är vi alla lika och ska samma väg vandra oavsett vem vi är.

Men låt oss mötas i mörkret med Kristian och lysa upp hans tillvaro, vi
vet inte vad som händer med honom nu men vi måste finnas där, nånstans
nära honom. Han blir vi och vi blir han. Så ljuset kommer att lysa där -
helt utan förbehåll, ett ljus som vi alla håller – tillsammans. Med

Och vi får aldrig tappa hoppet...

Till Kristian och alla som följer honom.

čtvrtek 13. září 2012


Everybody’s searching for it.  And not everyone’s gonna find it. Although it’s everywhere.
The closest people, your family and plenty of friends, your fans and people who just have no idea who you are, all those people are sending it to you. Love. 
So much love is sent to you every day.
Feel the love.

středa 12. září 2012

He doesn't need them anymore

"The song How Do You Like My Earrings from the new album Someone With a Slow Heartbeat was originated on a train where I met a friend I hadn’t seen for a very long time. She had very strange earrings, I noticed. Then I found out they were screws from the broken jaw of her boyfriend. He had just had them taken out. And she wanted to wear them to show to the world that her boyfriend recovered and he’s all right. For me the song symbolizes overcoming something hard in life, moving to the next base and the desire to show it to the world. To show that you have made it, that you were capable of it and now finally a new era is coming." //Charlie Straight

sobota 8. září 2012

Cause there's no one like you in the universe

Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be all right
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe

Don't be afraid
What your mind conceals
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

Do it on your own
Makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
and whatever they say
Your soul's unbreakable

pátek 7. září 2012

There’s still magic

This year two impossible things happened to me. Absolutely surreal things. Something that is not possible to explain. First I thought I’d gone crazy, then I was pretty sure I was dreaming. But it really happened.
Now I think that is how the world sometimes works. When you wish something SO MUCH, when you’re SO SURE about it, then it will happen. You have to be sure, that’s it. Open to everything, full of humility and believe. It doesn’t always work, of course. But sometimes all the cosmic laws stops existing and you have it...
This is not just an ordinary wish. This is too serious. This is too hard. But  Kristian, be sure that you will make it. So many unbelievable things happen this year. This is not the end. There’s still too much left.  For you. There’s still magic that no doctors, nobody can understand. There’s still the power. Of us all. And there are so many of us. So much love. Cancer is weak shit against us and against YOU!
Keep on walking, Kristian.