pátek 7. září 2012

There’s still magic

This year two impossible things happened to me. Absolutely surreal things. Something that is not possible to explain. First I thought I’d gone crazy, then I was pretty sure I was dreaming. But it really happened.
Now I think that is how the world sometimes works. When you wish something SO MUCH, when you’re SO SURE about it, then it will happen. You have to be sure, that’s it. Open to everything, full of humility and believe. It doesn’t always work, of course. But sometimes all the cosmic laws stops existing and you have it...
This is not just an ordinary wish. This is too serious. This is too hard. But  Kristian, be sure that you will make it. So many unbelievable things happen this year. This is not the end. There’s still too much left.  For you. There’s still magic that no doctors, nobody can understand. There’s still the power. Of us all. And there are so many of us. So much love. Cancer is weak shit against us and against YOU!
Keep on walking, Kristian.