pátek 31. srpna 2012

Beat it

Hold your breath and count to ten

Hold your breath and count to ten,
And fall apart and start again,
Hold your breath and count to ten,
Start again, start again...

Placebo, English summer rain

From Filip Jáchym

středa 29. srpna 2012

úterý 28. srpna 2012

I'm thinking of you

Dear Kristian,

I send you some strength although I myself don't have enough. But you need it more than I do, you must fight for your young life! I'm thinking of you...

Love & hugs


By Fellina from Croatia

neděle 26. srpna 2012

All vår energi och kärlek

Att ens barn har turen att få en så fin kompis som Krille är en enorm gåva, nu gör vi allt för att stötta denna fantastiska kille, han måste fixa fighten, nåt annans finns inte. Så nu samlar vi all vår energi och kärlek och ger den till honom. 

Viktor Norén 

There´s always someone around you

sobota 25. srpna 2012

Positively Positive

Article sent by Sanja Rivic:

Fearlessly Facing a Life-Threatening Diagnosis - Terri Cole

How can you be fearless when facing a serious diagnosis? Fearlessness and sickness don’t really seem to go together. But they can.
When I use the term fearlessness, I do not mean the absence of fear. I mean using fear to inform you as apposed to allowing it to run you.
I am a two-time cancer survivor. When I was diagnosed, I was absolutely terrified. I was forced to figure out how to make informed decisions while also being sensitive to how my diagnosis would affect all of the people who loved me. I was worried how they would experience my diagnosis. I knew that if I were terrified on a daily basis, I would not make the best choices. I also realized that I couldn’t control how others experienced my situation. I had to have faith they would handle it themselves. (They did.) All I could do was decide my next right action and request that those in my life treat me normally.

Lifestyle Choices I Found Helpful 

1. Creating Present Moment Awareness
Mindfulness is one of the best antidotes for fear. This required me learn how to meditate. I saw such a transformation in meditating and harnessing the power of my intention, that meditation is now the cornerstone to my therapy practice. It doesn’t have to be long and time consuming and complicated. It can be as simple as pausing to take three deep breaths every three hours to stay grounded. This strengthens your problem-solving capability. Present moment awareness can minimize fearfully projecting into the future, thinking of all the paths your scenario might go down.

2. Staying Physically Fit
I took up boxing because I was really angry and wanted to hurt someone. Not only was there the obvious benefit of releasing anger by punching and kicking, but also there was something about being physically strong that greatly reduced how much fear impacted me.

3. Being in a Good Relationship
Stay connected. Rather than retreating from loved ones, stay close. Companionship and sharing is a wonderful way to stay grounded and present. If you are in a partnership, maintain an active sex life. Stay as normal as possible. My husband saw me as whole and as the same Terri as always, so I didn’t feel damaged. Scared, yes; damaged, no. He didn’t treat me differently. Other people did, and it made me feel terrible. When people treat you the same and look at you the same as when you were healthy, it keeps you on the path of wellbeing. Inside I was the same and manifesting that cancer was temporary.

4. Speaking and Feeling Health into Being
As soon as my second cancer experience was behind me, I affirmed my perfect health. When someone asked me how I was, I would say, “I’m perfectly healthy.” (I stopped saying “healthy as a hog” because A. I was gaining weight, and B. I realized hogs in the US are probably not all that healthy) I would not speak about it any other way. I still do this and remain perfectly healthy fifteen years later. I cannot say that this positive stance cured me, but it sure made me feel empowered. I believe what we focus on gains strength, so I focused on being well.

While a diagnosis of any serious illness is fear inducing, you are stronger than your fear mind. I would love to hear your thoughts and strategies that have worked for you, whether it was an illness or other life-altering event, so please drop a comment.

A great quote I want to share: 

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Link to the original article:

pátek 24. srpna 2012

Jag tänker på dig

För snart 10 år sedan lärde jag känna en person som alltid kommer betyda massor för mig. Hans band var det första jag fotograferade skivomslag till, vi har rest över hela Europa tillsammans, gjort en tidning ihop (mest han dock), pratat om
hur våra vägar ständigt möts i ett jättefint reportage under årets Peace&Love, haft en tradition att bada jaccuzzi efter hans spelningar, druckit varm choklad i hans rum i Borlänge, spontanåkt på festival i Norrland, dansat på allt från firmafester i Göteborg till dansgolv i Berlin, planerat ett reportage i Afrika vi skulle göra i höst, spelat tv-spel i min gamla lägenhet, pratat kärleksproblem långt in på nätterna och bara funnits där för varandra. Ibland nära. Ibland längre bort. Men alltid där. Och när jag tänker efter så inser jag att det är få personer som funnits i mitt liv så nära så länge. Så det är med stor sorg och förtvivlan som jag för ett tag sedan fick veta att han är sjuk igen. Jag önskar inget hellre än att han orkar kämpa och kan besegra cancern än en gång. Det går inte en dag utan att jag tänker på dig Kristian Gidlund.
Emma Svensson

čtvrtek 23. srpna 2012

Please don´t give up!

Love, Herta

At Peace&Love next year

My thoughts are with you, Kristian. I heard you talking at Peace & Love and I was deeply impressed.
I send you a lot of positive energy and hope and I wish you all the power and strenght you need. And in times of hopelessness I'm sure there are a lot of people around you - family, friends, fans - supporting you and thinking of you.
I want to see you again at Peace & Love next year - talking about how you've beaten the cancer a second time!



Made by Katarina Hedman (photo taken by Emma Svensson/Rockfoto).

středa 22. srpna 2012


Since Saturday the world looks so different. I’m thinking of Sugarplum Fairy concerts in Malmö, Stockholm and Borlänge this year, all three of them totally amazing. This year has been all about Sugarplum Fairy for me, I’ve been charmed by your music, by the atmosphere you always bring to my life. After SPF concert I always feel that everything is possible. That there’s something really good in this world. That whatever has happened in my life, however bad or stressed or afraid I might feel, there’s so much hope, there’s pure happiness which fills me when I hear you play live. That’s why it hurts me so much that you have to go through all that shit again. What I wish I was able to do is to give you what you and your band are able to give to me. And I feel I’d give anything, I’d do anything if I knew it would make you feel better, if I knew it would help you recover faster. I keep thinking of you, your friends and your family and I know I’m gonna think of you all the time, until the day you are alright again. And I know I’m not the only one.  I’m sending you all the love I have, that is, all the love I got from your songs. 

úterý 21. srpna 2012

Don´t think twice cause it´s alright

This song doesn´t have any special lyrics but it always saves me when I need it, there´s something in it, that always makes me feel better. So I´m sending it to you together with all the strengh I have. Stay strong again, beat it again, you´ll win again. I know that.
Love, Veronika from the Czech Republic

pondělí 20. srpna 2012


Dear Kristian – I am sending you the flower of hope – her colour is shining through despair and pains and will make you strong. 

Elfi Werner from Germany

Pick you up again

Stockholm, Scandic Grand Central, 13th April 2012

neděle 19. srpna 2012

Stay Strong

When we got the news
once again you can't choose
you speak of a nightmare coming back
don't give up go on attack

Stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
so close by your side
hold up your chin
you can win

We all might not know you
but we want you to know
how much we care
how much we love

So stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
right by your side
hold up your chin
you will win

From all around
we come and try
to give you strength
just because we believe in you

So stay strong
you are not alone
we will fight
right by your side
hold up your chin
you're going to win

By Sophie Roxane Ganzmann

La vida es un carnaval

"Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que al mal tiempo buena cara, y todo pasa.

Ay, no ha que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval,
es mas bello vivir cantando."

This is a song I put on an mp3 player for my mum when she went to the hospital, to fight with cancer for the second time. For some reason I suppose you understand Spanish and I really like the lyrics to this song which is overall very positive. I'm sending it to you now together with all the positive energy and strength I got. Love, Katka from the Czech Republic