čtvrtek 6. září 2012

Can you help me find my long way back home?

It’s always said that the last thing that dies is our hope.
Hope is ambitious, high-flown and unattainable; hope is uncontrollable, passionate and desperate.
I guess that’s the sense in the things we’re hoping for, that they seem like they will never come true – just to have an aim that is worth fighting for, something that is always somewhere in our head to push us forward.
But it’s not always easy to keep hoping –the whole world seems so cruel sometimes, destroying all our plans, dreams and wishes.  And although it doesn’t feel like that, hope is there nevertheless. Deep inside it’s there, and maybe it’s stronger than ever in these times. Because these are the times in which we need our hope the most – sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps us alive. That gives us back our feelings when nothing else can.
Hoping for better times, hoping for luck, hoping for your dreams finally coming true. There are so many reasons for hoping, although it may seem hard.
There are always miracles. And I really do believe and hope that you will experience one of those miracles, Kristian.
I’m sure you can fight it again somehow, and we will help you fighting as much as we can. 
From Isii 

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